Monday, 17 June 2013

Xbox One games will be priced at $60

xbox one controller
SOFTWARE HOUSE Microsoft will put a $60 price tag on games for the Xbox One console.
We can work that out with exchange rates and decide that this means that games will cost £40 in the UK.
We don't know if they will or they won't. We only found out what the console itself cost last week, but the $60 price keeps the cost of games pretty static in the US, something that should appeal to some wavering gamers.
The console with its Kinect add-on costs £429, which is a significant amount of cash. If games are £40 each then you could get a first day two game bundle deal for around £500. If they are much more than this, £60 for example, then you'd better hope Santa thinks you have been particularly good this year.
THE SONY PS4LOOKS LIKE THE BETTER BET so far, and not just because it is around £80 cheaper than the Microsoft Xbox One.
It also looks like Microsoft has added DRACONIAN TERMS AND CONDITION AND SRM TO and plans to limit sales of second hand games.
"We are excited to share more over the coming months, but we don't have anything further to share at this time," was all a Microsoft spokesperson could say when we asked about the UK price.
THE 60 PRICE TAG COMES TAG COMES FROM POLYGON and a comment made by a "representative of the company".
A visit to pre-order kingdom Amazon rewarded us with prices for a range of Xbox One games including Watchdogs

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