If you are on a trip, then your first concern is about the charge in your mobile phone. We always search for charging points when we are out and it has became a nightmare for all the mobile users, of having a smartphone low on battery!
But now new research is giving solutions. A technique has been developed through which you can charge your mobile with water. This will be very helpful for anyone who constantly travels, or spends time in places where there is no electricity.
A Swedish company called myFC says that it has invented a water-powered charger. It is basically a portable fuel cell charger, which is slightly larger then a Digital Camera, and it uses just a spoonful of water and a small metallic device
called a fuel puck, and that fully charges an iPhone. The device has been developed by KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and MyFC. This water-based mobile charger is called PowerTrekk, and it is the world's first water activated charger and it works with both - fresh and salt water. The developers of the product claim that this product can extend the battery life up to three watts. The charger consists of water compartments, which have a capacity of around a tablespoon of water. These compartments are to be filled with water and then close the lid. Now connect it to any electronic device via USB cable and the charging begins. The principle behind it is converting chemical energy into electrical energy with the help of oxygen. This new device is compatible with smartphone, iPod, and digital cameras, etc. The company is still working on similar platform for an upgraded version of this charger, which could charge devices